4-H Youth gardeners

4-H Gardeners, August 2015

4-H Clubs

4 H is the youth development program of our nation’s Cooperative Extension System. The fundamental 4-H ideal of practical, learn-by-doing experiences encourages youth to experiment, innovate, and think independently. Youth learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills through more than 1,000 projects with topics as varied as rocketry, GPS mapping, DNA analysis, public speaking, photography, nutrition, and community service.

Who can be in 4-H?

Cloverbuds are aged 5-7 (as of January 1 of the current year). 4-H members are aged 8-18 (as of January 1 of the current year).

What is a 4-H Club?

Five or more children along with their parents and/or other volunteer adults form a 4-H club. Parents and/or other adults teach projects that club members choose at club meetings, usually held once a month.

4-H Individual Members

Individual members are 4-H members or Cloverbuds who do not have a club affiliation. They work on projects of their choice at their own pace, with parental or adult assistance. They can attend any classes, meetings, or workshops offered in our monthly Clover Scene Newsletter. 

What are the perks of 4-H?

4-H allows youth to have fun, meet new people, build self-confidence, learn life skills, gain responsibility, and set and achieve goals! Youth learn by doing and can display their projects at the Niagara County Fair each year. 4-H has endless possibilities for projects from which to choose. You’ll never be bored in 4-H!

How much does being in 4-H cost?

Yearly enrollment fee is $30 per child (family maximum of $75), 4-H’ers re-enrolling must enroll before November 30. No participation fee for leaders (or adult volunteers).

How much time is required?

Whatever you choose for your child. A 4-H club is something you do with your child. Parents play an active role as project leaders. Clubs generally meet once a month for about two hours each meeting. Children who want a broader experience can opt to be involved in a county wide program.

What program areas are available to participate in 4-H?

Consumer and Family Sciences

  • Special/Unique Displays 
  • Arts/Communications 
  • Home Environment 
  • Fine Arts/ Crafts 
  • Child Development/Care 
  • Textiles/Clothing/Sewing 
  • Food & Nutrition

Agriculture, Science & Technology 

  • Special/ Unique Displays 
  • Visual Arts-photography 
  • Horticulture-plants, vegetables, flowers 
  • Natural Resources 
  • Plant Pathology 
  • Science, Engineering, & Technology -wood working, model rockets 
  • Entomology-bug collections

Animal Science Programs

  • Beef
  • Cavy (Guinea Pigs)
  • Dairy Cattle
  • Dairy Goats 
  • Dogs
  • Horse (Miniature/ Regular sized)
  • Meat Goats
  • Poultry 
  • Rabbits
  • Sheep 
  • Swine
  • Cats
  • Working Goats

Other County Wide Programs

  • Shooting Sports
  • STEM & Robotics 
  • Community Service Opportunities
  • 4-H Royalty


Last updated October 21, 2024