Volunteers are the heart of any organization and Cornell Cooperative Extension is no exception. We believe that everyone can help somewhere to make a difference for a community or in the life a child. Volunteers are a tremendous resource giving their skills and knowledge for the benefit of others in exchange for a thank you. If you have a talent or skill that you would like to share we would appreciate your help in our areas of need.
Interested in helping? Contact us to discuss volunteer opportunities:
Vicki Smith (Operations Manager) vas68@cornell.edu
Heidi Feltz (4-H Team Lead) hmk3@cornell.edu
Jen Regan (Veggie Van Program Manager) jcr284@cornell.edu
**NEW for 2025**Mandatory VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION for enrolled adult volunteer eligibility.
Please attend one of the following one-hour orientations at 4-H Training Center, Aud:
~Wednesday, November 13 at 10:00am
~Wednesday, November 13 at 7:00pm
~Saturday, December 7 at 10:00am
**PLEASE RSVP with your date and time preference to ssh85@cornell.edu**
At this 1-hour orientation, we will:
-Sign up/complete volunteer enrollment paperwork
-Sexual Harassment Training Video
-Presentation from 4-H office (i.e. Overview, expectations, housekeeping, volunteer opportunities, Q&A)
-What type of volunteer are you or would like to be?
-Background Checks (for those who need it)
If you cannot make it to the November 13th or December 7th orientations, staff will evaluate the need and determine if another date will be offered, TBD.
Adults will not be able to enroll at the office without attending a volunteer orientation. **Yes, you can still volunteer with 4-H without attending the orientation yet, but please RSVP so we know which date and time you will be joining us. RSVP to Stacey Johnston.
Who should attend this orientation? Any adult interested in volunteering as a:
-Project Leader
-Activity Leader
-Club Leader
-Short Term Volunteer (one time 4-H Activity or Event)
-Unsure if you should attend? Contact a 4-H staff member to double check!
Stacey Johnston
4-H Community Educator
433-8839 ext. 243
Last updated September 9, 2024