4-H Grows here

4-H Programs



4-H has a lot to offer whether your child(ren) want to attend a series of classes, a workshop, join a club, and/or attend a county-wide program, it’s up to you! 4-H is a non-profit organization that is open to all youth. Any youth, ages 8-18 years old may take part. Our Cloverbud program is for any youth, ages 5-7, giving them the opportunity to have fun and gain 4-H experience in a non-competitive atmosphere.

Our program year runs October 1--September 30…with the Niagara County Fair being the “grand finale” in August. It is best to sign up

4-H participants may join as a club member or individual.  If you aren't sure or don't know of a club, we suggest joining as an individual member. You can always join a club later on.

Individuals can attend classes, workshops and a county-wide program such as rabbits, horses, or dairy goats to name a few. They normally work on their own or with a county-wide program leader.

Club members belong to a specific group with five or more members and they meet on a regular basis (once or a month or when they choose) and they work on projects that interests them with their club leader, meeting with the same kids and volunteers every month. 

Animal Programs are NOT considered clubs. For example, if your child attends poultry or goat meetings, you are not in a "poultry club" nor "goat club."  Animal groups are considered county-wide programs. 

All members, Individual or Club Members can:

  • Join any county-wide workshop, animal science species meeting and/or activity. (Look in our monthly newsletter called the “4-H Clover Scene” that will be emailed to you when you become a member or look at our past issues: http://cceniagaracounty.org/4-h-youth/4-h-cloverscene-newsletter
  • Exhibit their projects at the Niagara County Fair
  • Are eligible for trips and scholarships
  • What projects can youth do in 4-H?

  • Arts & Crafts
  • Animal Science (beef cattle, cavy/AKA Guinea pigs, dairy cattle, dairy goats, dogs, equine, meat goat, poultry, rabbits, sheep, swine, working/pack goats, or cats. 
  • Entomology (bug workshops)
  • Food and Nutrition (baking classes)
  • Natural Resources (i.e. Discovery Club workshops)
  • Public Presentations
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) and robotics
  • Sewing
  • Teen Ambassadors
  • Community Service
  • Educational field trips hosted at Cornell (i.e. Animal Crackers)
  • Hiking & Gardening/outdoor fun 
  • Plus, there are fun activities that take place at our Niagara County Fair that 4-H members can participate in. For example, volunteer to work in the 4-H Milk Bar, livestock Skillathon, training center competitions or activities, animal shows, hay bale toss, Paul Bunyan lumberjack Contest, and more. Each enrolled 4-H member receives one free weekly pass to attend the fair.

    We are always looking for new leaders or adults interested in teaching classes (1 time or series). If you know of anyone, or yourself, who would like to volunteer or teach a class in a topic area or hobby you enjoy, or join us as a guest speaker, please let us know! 

    4-H participation is quite self-guided, in the fact that it is up to the child and their parent/guardian to review the monthly Clover Scene newsletter, and then RSVP or participate in a workshop/club/program that they are interested in.

    We strongly recommend calling us at the 4-H Office to talk about your child’s interests and find the perfect fit for them! The nice thing is…there are many areas they can try to see what they like best!

    Last updated March 14, 2025