Below are some resources from NYS DEC on stream management after flooding.
Guidelines for Post-Flood Stream Construction from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation gives information on what to do and not do after a major storm.
Post-Flood Emergency Stream Intervention Training Manual provides an introduction to streams, flood response, and references to know the right approach for emergency response conditions.
Appendices contain forms to fill and more information to accompany the Post-Flood Emergency Stream Intervention Training Manual.
Woody Debris Removal from Rivers and Streams (New York State DEC) discusses when debris should be removed from a stream, provides general guidelines for removal, and explains when a permit is necessary.
Stream Buffer Planting Guide offers information on specific plants that do well along a stream or lake shore is followed by information planning and site preparation. This visually rich planting guide can help you to visualize how and what to plant to establish healthy stream buffer areas.
Last updated July 26, 2019